AGM 2016 just around the corner - Agenda now available
- by Richard Ellis
So here we are again - another year gone by in a flash - and another AGM around the corner :)
As such I include the Agenda for the AGM 2016 and minutes from 2015 below. I hope to see you on the 23rd in Four Marks. :D
"Please do come to the AGM next Tuesday at Four Marks - start time 8pm.
It would be lovely to hear your ideas about what you would like the club to be doing over the next 12 months.
Any offers of help with any of the committee tasks/posts would be gratefully received!! If you would like to know more please come along on Tuesday and we will be happy to explain!
Please could you let us know if you are unable to attend - there will be no shooting at Eggars that evening
- Katie
I'll be adding more information about the various committee posts (as well as coaches etc) in the days before the AGM - so watch this space....
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